
Making a Difference

So, I recently attended an amazing Women's Retreat with Covenant Grace and Rancho Community Church. I was really blessed to be brought into this environment of beautiful, encouraging women who love the Lord! During one of the sessions, we learned about making a difference, and how each and every one of us has the ability to do so. The world might tell us we can't, but God tells us we can. He has given us all our own special gift to make a difference and bring him glory. I doubted whether or not I as one person could really make a difference and God wasted no time correcting me

There is an organization called Love 146, which is dedicated to stopping child sex trafficking abroad and here in California. Many of these girls are only 7 years old. While I heard about this organization months ago, I did not feel I could make a difference. God reminded me I could just yesterday. They are hosting a fundraiser called Tread on Trafficking. It is an 8 week, global fundraiser that dedicates 100% of the proceeds to Love 146's mission. The fundraiser is already 4 weeks in, but God wouldn't accept another excuse from me so I registered any ways. I have set a goal to reach in the last half, but I need your help. If you feel compelled to support the cause, sponsor me in my efforts by donating any amount per mile I run over the next 39 days, or you can donate any one time amount.

I encourage you to check out Love 146 at their website Love146.org. I will be blogging about my progress and you can follow my miles and make donations at any time here at http://Love146.kintera.org/tread/cnunez

Spread the word and help me put my foot down to end trafficking!!!
