
New words....

2011. Another 365 days and a clear view into the next round. Its been a life changing 12 months and I wouldn't have it any other way. I made some major decisions and some small decisions that had major impacts. I made some mistakes and took some risks. At the end of the proverbial day, I found the love of my life (still not sure how I got so lucky) and the clearest map to where I am headed next. As everything does, this year has brought me back to God and all His Grace. Let's face it, we are hardly capable of making it on our own and each day we walk without him is one shadowed in darkness. But enough of the darkness. Flipping that switch towards Him is a beautiful thing, but it's just the beginning! Giving all your heart to something, every day is not easy, but He requires and deserves nothing less. The Plan: dive in head first, with a little help from a group of beautiful women, into a walk through the Gospel of John at the hands of Beth Moore. The Goal: fill my spirit with the goodness of the Lord in hopes of developing a deep relationship that brings Him Glory! Oh, so exciting! It's amazing how one night in his Word makes the morning look like a work of art. Today is a blessing!

On another note, to avoid treating this year like just another lap on the course of life (cheesy, I know), you can rest assured that this year brings new words! As always, words have their limits and restrictions, but it's the attempt to mold them into adequate representations of life that surface the most beautiful art! Every attempt doesn't end up being much, but sometimes you'll get a thought or two across that lights a fire! So in the spirit of new words and new voices...bring on the New Year!

"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice."
T.S. Eliot